**A boy lived wid his Roommate,
Who was a girl..His mom visitd him Oneday.
At the dinner,
seeing the chemistry
See doubts thers somemthing between them.
She asks but he refuses.
Than Mom leaves..
The girl complaind that her favorite Silver jar is missing since mom left..
Boy askd mom:
I am not saying you did steal the jar,
also I am not saying you did not.
But its missing since you joined us 4 dinner..
Mom replied:
I am not saying you do sleep with her,
Also i am not saying you Do Not.
But if She had slept on her own bed,
She would have found it under her pillow..!
MoRaL- Cheatng
M0M is realy
" ImP0ssiBLe "
**Wife says 2 husband:
W:Come help with the garden.
Husband:What do u think I am?a gardener?
W:Come fix the toilet faucet.
H:What do u think I am?a plumber?
W:Come fix the door handle.
H:What do u think I am?a carpenter?
The husband went out....but when he came back,he saw that everything is fixed...the garden...toilet faucet...& the door handle. He asked his wife who had done it?
The wife said its the neighbour's son,but he gave me 2 options...
Either to make him a hamburger or have sex with him...
Husband:I'm sure,u gave him a hamburger!!
Wife:What do u think I am??
**Boy goes to a chemist-
"Give me a condom. I'am going to my gf's house for dinner.
Then he says "Give me to more.
My gf's sis is a bomb 'n her mom is still hot."
During dinner, her Dad walks in.
Boy lowers his head 'n starts praying.
10 min 'n he is still praying, his head down.
All are surprised.
Girlfriend-" I never knew you are so religious"
Boy-" I never knew your DAD IS A CHEMIST!
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