**Whenever you MISS me don’t look for ME in your DREAM
Don’t try to hear my VOICE in your MOBILE
Just put your right hand in your HEART and you will FEEL me in your Heart Beat
**"Value of relation"
is not that how much you feel happy with some one . .
But it is that
how much some one feels ALONE without you!
**Whats missing in H__RT? EA or U?
Pick EA & youll get a heart!
If u pick U, you will get hurt!
Id pick U coz its better to get hurt,
Than have a heart without U.
**When someone loves us
we don't feel the pain of love
We simply enjoy their care.
When we love someone
We feel the pain
Try to prove our care.
**A special LUNCH 4 u,
In de hotel of my Heart,
A boul of love,
A spoon of care,
In the pot of Happiness,
Dish is friendship,
Pay the bill
**I will always care for you,
even we're not together
and even we're far,
far away from each other
Love YOUUUUUU & Miss You
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